With Minnesota's 2024 legislative session kicking off earlier this week, I am making a dramatic leap from my "Compost Me" origin story to a present day call to action... I promise to fill in the blanks between the two in the coming weeks.
In short, the opportunity to legalize Natural Organic Reduction in Minnesota is here! Like now!! Like, right now!!!
Read on for more... or just Take Action!
The Bills
MN legislators have laid the groundwork for legalizing natural organic reduction by introducing companion bills HF 2669 and SF 3134 in March 2023.
These bills permit the "conversion of human remains to basic elements using natural organic reduction" and establish licensure requirements and fees for NOR facilities. The bills will be heard in the House Health Finance and Policy Committee and Senate Health and Human Services Committee respectively. If supported, they will move on to the full House and Senate chambers for discussion and a final passage vote...
...meaning my dreams of becoming future compost could soon be one step closer to reality!
Let's Take Action!
If you are equally excited by the possibility of becoming future compost, my friends and I from NOR Minnesota just launched a website to make taking action as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Here is how we do it...
Visit www.norminnesota.org and learn all about Natura Organic Reduction
Check out specifics on the bills, sponsors, and legislative process
Take Action! Made easy through the NOR Minnesota Take Action Toolkit which provides a ...
NOR Minnesota One Pager
Directions for finding and contacting your legislator
A template letter w/ instructions
Simple resolutions to take with you to your precinct caucus on Tuesday, February 27th (MN GOP // MN DFL)
We're not alone
While the concept of NOR may seem novel or strange, legislative efforts in Minnesota are part of a broader national movement of folks interested in expanding body disposition options and providing green alternatives to conventional burial and cremation.
NOR is currently legal in 7 states and legislation has been introduced in 17 more. See written list of states below.

States where NOR is Legal:
Washington (2019)
Colorado (2021)
Oregon (2021)
Vermont (2021)
California (2022)
New York (2022)
Nevada (2023)
States where NOR Legislation has been introduced:
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
Rhode Island
This list was taken from Recompose Legislative Advocacy page. Visit the site for further details on state progress and additional content / context on national legislative movement.
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